Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bucket List

I know, this is crazy. Two blog posts in one day?!? What's happening here? Well, I'll tell you. My husband is out of town and I have a lot more free time. Plus I'm not working at the theater tonight.
Moving on, I want to talk about something that is very dear to my heart. I'm talking about donuts. Doughnuts. Whatever you want to call them, I love them like they're my children. My delicious children, that I want to eat. Those kind of children. You know what I'm talking about.
I try not to think about donuts every day, and every day I fail. That's how great they are. Today's slip-up occurred when I saw a link on Facebook for Meche's Donut King.
The picture I saw was this.
It was, in a word, incredible. And then I saw a lot more pictures in my mind, starting with my wedding donuts. Yes, I said wedding donuts. Bill picked the cake (camo), so he got that while I, taking the role of the groom, had a bride's cake in the form of six dozen giant filled donuts. So then I think of this (bottom picture, obviously):
So, that brings me to my bucket list: I want to visit the top 10 donut shops in the nation before I die. Also before I'm too old to properly enjoy them. I don't want to have to gum those suckers down, I want to rip into them with relish! Not real relish. I'm talking gusto here.
Here they are, in no particular order, mainly based on location: the donut shops I want to visit. I had a lot more narrative with this originally, but, sadly, I accidentally deleted it. I'm still getting used to my new keyboard.
1. Voodoo Donuts
2. Top Pot Doughnuts
3. Randy's Donuts
4. Bouchon Bakery
5. Doughnut Plant
6. The Donut Stop
7. Psycho Donuts
8. Fractured Prune
9. Peter Pan Bakery
10. Sublime Doughnuts
11. Stan's Donuts
12. Lamar's Donuts (been there, but it's totally worth going back.)
Did I say Top 10? I meant Top Dozen. We're talking donuts, after all. Bottom line? I'm hungry.


  1. You have to visit the Doughnut Vault here in Chicago. There's a line every day and they run out, every day. Their doughnuts are three bucks apiece.

    1. That makes me happy. I love Chicago, so it's a win-win situation. Additionally, adding a spot puts my dream list at 13 - also known as the baker's dozen, and everyone knows that a baker's dozen is the best dozen of all.
