Tuesday, February 10, 2015

But I Have a REALLY Good Excuse.

This is my first post of 2015, which is just ridiculous. But there was some stuff that happened, worthy of its own post in the mid- to distant future, and I got a little sidetracked.

There were only a few things that kept me on task in the hellish month that was January (have I ever shared that January is my least favorite month? It is. My dad would always be gone all the time starting in January, for tax season, and then I worked retail pharmacy, which was always hell in January with new deductibles, and then the inevitable post-holiday depression, and Seasonal Affective Disorder or whatever, that's definitely a thing, so really, what's to like?).

But I digress.

The point is, those few things that I mentioned above. The ones that kept me on task. I'm here today to talk about one specific thing in that tiny bundle:

My Precious. My Fitbit.

When I unwrapped it on Christmas Eve at my dad's house, I was intrigued. I had heard of them, but in a distracted, peripheral kind of way. Once I got the associated app, and connected it to my laptop, and got it all set up, I was ready to go. I work in a building with a lot of stairs, and I was confident, nay, cocky, that I would easily reach 10,000 steps before I left work each day.

That was before I discovered that I really only walked 3000 steps in a workday. And that was on a GOOD day.

I also have this ultra-competitive sister, who beats me routinely in everything. She totally got one, too.

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