Friday, March 8, 2013


Do you Reddit? If you do, you have to tell me, because we will have so much to talk about.
If you don't, that's okay, because it's not for everybody. In fact, my initial foray into left me unimpressed. It's not nearly as easy to delve into on a computer. Too busy. Too much going on.
I recommend the Reddit Pics app on the phone. That's a good, easy way to begin, if you're so inclined.
That's all whatever. I don't really care one way or the other. It works for me, and that's really the important thing.
What I want to talk about is the subreddit called AskReddit.
Redditors pose a question, any kind of question, and then others answer it. There are a LOT of awesome outcomes in this subreddit. For example, the worst lie your parents ever told you made me feel like the best parent ever. Here was an answer:

They told me that the ice cream truck was the music truck and it just drove around playing music to cheer people up.

They told ME that the ice cream truck only played music when it ran out of ice cream.

Are those sad or what? I loved it.

The one that really hit me yesterday, though, was this question:

If you could ask a potential date one question to determine if they were the one for you, what would it be?

There were a lot of great answers to this, but my favorite was one I would actually use. In fact, I think it's a good all-around question if you want to discover things about yourself.

Here it is.

Rank the following in order of importance to you: Career, Love, Happiness, Family, Religion, Education, Having Kids, Adventure, Politics, Drugs, Health

I have rolled that around in my mind a lot. The best I can come up with is that my last place answer is definitely Having Kids. Second to last, Drugs. Really, I'd say those two are tied for last. After that, it's a jumble. I think happiness comes first with me, but then what? Having spent some time without good health, I can tell you it's awesome to have, so that's probably second. Third is absolutely confusing. I want to say adventure and I want to say love. But politics fascinate me, and then again, I love my job at Pitt State. And I wouldn't have my job at Pitt without my education. ARGH. So many choices.

The point is, what's important to you? Mull these over. Think about who you are. And then act accordingly.

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